
Wikipedia the cold war cnn
Wikipedia the cold war cnn

It was a political, economic and psychological conflict, together with regional hot wars, between the United States, NATO and other allies, and the USSR, China and their allies between 19. "Third-World" is the only term in this system still commonly used today, and it typically denotes an unindustrialized or still industrializing country. The Cold War lead to the development of the First-World (United States and its allies) Second-World (Soviet Union and its allies) and Third-World (countries not allied with either superpower and with no nuclear programs) system of classifying countries.

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The Cold War also was marked by high levels of espionage. The Cold War was marked by a nuclear arms race between the two super-powers, and the unchecked proliferation of nuclear weapons was a cause for concern in many quarters. Film critic Catherine de la Roche, "noted in 1955 that Hollywood and others believed that the Cold War was 'fundamentally a conflict between Christianity and atheism and that religion is therefore a strong weapon against Communism.'" It persisted due to the natural enmity between Communism and most other forms of government, especially Capitalism and the incompatible goals the two sides held.

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The Cold War was a period of suspicion and distrust between the United States and its alliances and the Soviet Union and its more-or-less puppet allies after World War II, and was started by Josef Stalin. Soviet Union and its client states ( Warsaw Pact)

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Worldwide (especially in Europe and Asia)

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